Thursday, March 17, 2016

Joyeuse St. Patrick! Une activité très simple pour apprendre les bases de la musique irlandaise

Hi all.  This post will be perhaps the shortest I have written since I started my blog; the goal of this article is to share a very simple activity with you that allows students to learn content in the TL with the simplest French possible.  This enables advanced students to feel very confident and lower level students to feel like the activity is feasible for them.

The activity is basically a webquest to 1) learn the names of the instruments used in traditional Irish music in French; and 2) learn a little about the forms of the dance music that we often hearthis time of year, but know nothing about.  You may even have some Irish dancers in your class, but often they don't necessarily know about the music.  In addition, the teacher will learn alongside the students.

Here is the activity:

You can search youtube to find music to listen to, as well:
Dervish is a great example of a band that incorporates many of the instruments.

If you have any problems, feel free to email me at

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