Thursday, December 17, 2015


Welcome to the blog whose mission it is to provoke thought and to push the limits in the language teaching world and beyond.  How many of you have often thought that we teach Christmas in the language class only to neglect Hanukkah or Eid?  How many of you have realized at some point that the pictorial representations of culture in the countries that speak the language you teach only give students one idea of socio-economic class or skin color?  Have any of you ever thought about the role that dialects play in your classroom?  If you are interested in these questions, this is the place for you! There will be activities and thoughts posted on here from time to time; it is my hope that they will serve to create dialogue and to stir others to act and teach to push the limits of the language learner and teacher.


  1. Will be glad to follow your blog and hear your thoughts on these issues. Stereotypes and the misconceptions that they foster can not only marginalize those outside the "norm" but create false ideas of what exists in our own and other cultures. Common knowledge is often inaccurate!
